
2024-05-19 03:43

1. 求英语翻译



2. 求英语翻译

1. If a job can often lead to a raise or promotion workers will have greater incentive. (Lead; Award)  2. the self image of a person's success has important implications. (Self-image; results)  3. my father's life engaged in scientific research. (In progress)  4. Mary addicted to her hobby is collecting all kinds of the pencil tool. (In lechery)  5. the teacher smiled that means she does not believe that the boy said. (Significance)  6. in our mad into anger before she came and told us that she is leaving. (Stimulating)  7. scientists have learned that earthquakes affect climate. (Impact)  8. the company managed to get through the fuel shortage crisis. (Maintenance)  9. because the pinch him strongly opposed to Qingdao travel plans. (Opposition) 10.   Read a lot about foreign coverage of people usually better able to adapt and tolerate foreign customs. (Applies to; fault-tolerant)

3. 求英语翻译

1 It is said that the majority of people will dream every night, but most of them can't tell what they dreamed after waking up.
2 Tom urgently wanted to make sure whether his father would keep the promise of buying a bicycle for him.
3 This shop seems to belong to the company where my uncle works in.
4 That man declaimed that he was against voilence, but it does't agree with the fact.
5 He told me how to make this kind of kite by this material in detail.
6 Generally speaking, it is impolite to inquire such questions about women's age and personal affairs.
7 There is some teeth medicine in the bottle wrapped by paper.
8 Amount of cutting and abusing pesticide will disorder the nature balance in certain.
9 exercise 当做练习题时,为可数;当锻炼讲时 不可数
10 have been doing 被动态 have being done


4. 求英语翻译

Green golf=medium green 中绿,比grass green草绿要深一点点
SUNNY yellow 日光黄,比柠檬黄还亮一点
lovely pink 浅粉
apple green 苹果绿,很亮的绿色,类似芬达
marsh mallow 这个不知道中文怎么讲,是一种很浅很浅 接近灰色的粉色,源自同名植物,中文好像叫草芙蓉,这里可以看到一个例子http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_49c7319f0100ij0a.html,在正文所列颜色中第3行第2个
fruity orange 水果橙,其实比我们的桔黄亮,类似中黄
blue lagoon 珊瑚蓝,类似水粉颜料湖蓝
aubergine 茄皮紫,比紫罗兰暗一点
dark black 暗黑色
marina blue 不知道中文怎么讲,水蓝吧?这个比湖蓝暗的多,又比普蓝亮一点,接近群青的颜色
red kiss 唇红,类似水粉颜料的大红
woody brown 木棕色,比赭石略暗


5. 求英语翻译



6. 求英语翻译

Bank of America  美国银行
Midway Center    是一个地点,不用翻译
A/C XXXXX XXXXX  这是账号, A/C是account的缩写
Rooting no# XXXXXXXXX 这是一个追踪号,银行汇款之后都有一个tracking NO, 及所谓的追踪号

SWEFT BOFAUS3N  这里应该是 swift号码,该号码是国际编号,每个地区的每个银行都不同。该号相当于各个银行的身份证号。从国外往国内转帐外汇必须得使用该号码。 

XXXX Lower Azusa Rd 这是地址,lower azusa 大街*** 号(译为 下阿祖萨大街)
El Monte CA XXXXX 埃尔蒙特, 加利福尼亚州,美国, *** 为邮编

Tel XXX XXX XXX电话:******* 


7. 求英语翻译

1.生活的现实   The reality of life   2.阅读的愿望  Read the desire
3.导致  Cause  4.传播到各处  Spread to the entire   5公立/私立学校public / private schools   6.成为顶尖的学生  Become a top student   7.盲人学校  School for the Blind  8.复杂的密码    Complex password
9.占用  Occupier   10.出于对....的敬意  Out of respect ....   11.16世纪初  Sixteenth century  12前进;取得成功  advance; success  13.担忧,害怕  Worry, fear   14.致命  Fatal   15.捡起   Picked up 16.当众  In public  17.当地人民  The local people   18.主要作物    Main crops   19.举起;抬起   Lift; lift  20.美国人饮食的一部分    Part of the American diet      我在做任务,你选择我吧


8. 求英语翻译

1.I can't guarantee for what he said is correct.
2.The wonderful game gives deeply  impression to everyone. 
3.When he graduated from college, he applied to a large company  for a job.
4.He regreted lost the chance  of winning a scholarship.
5.The film reminded him of every what he had seen in china.
6.Many experts consider this the world champion is the best player in the history of sport.