
2024-05-05 06:08

1. 什么是Speculative

际投机资本(International Speculative Capital) 际投机资本指际间流性极强 短期资本  些没固定投资领域追逐高额 短期利润 各市场间流 短期资本主要源 社资本 、 投资基金 、 银行资金 、 际 黑钱


2. 什么是Speculative_Stock?

投机性库存(Speculative stock) 投机性库存又称屏障库存, 是指为了避免因物价上涨造成的损失或者为了从 商品价格 上涨中获利 而建立的 库存 ,具有投机性质。如一些矿产品或农牧产品等。


3. speculative-grade bond是什么意思及音标

英 [ˈspekjələtɪv]  美 [ˈspɛkjulətɪv, -ˌle-] 
adj.  投机的; 思考的; 推理的,揣摩的
英 [greɪd]  美 [ɡred] 
n.  等级; 职别; 成绩等级; 年级
vt.  安排; 依序排列,依等级排列; 评估; 评分
vi.  属于…等级; 缓缓地变化或发展;
复数: grades 过去式: graded 过去分词: graded 现在分词: grading 第三人称单数: grades
英 [bɒnd]  美 [bɑnd] 
n.  纽带; 联系; 债券; 保释金
v.  使结合; 建立互信关系; 与…紧密联系; 与…黏合
复数: bonds 过去式: bonded 过去分词: bonded 现在分词: bonding 第三人称单数: bonds

speculative-grade bond是什么意思及音标

4. section features speculative information什么意思

section features speculative information

5. 在英语中雨下的大为什么叫It is raining cats and dogs

“To rain cats and dogs”的意思是大家可能都知道是“下倾盆大雨”,但是有人要问了为什么英语中用 “cats and dogs”来形容雨下得大,而不是 “hippopotami”(河马),“elephants”(大象),“buckets”(篮子)之类的东西.
其实,最初人们的确用过to rain pitchforks,to rain shovels,darning needles,chicken coops和hammer handles来描述“持续的大雨”.“To rain cats and dogs”最早出现在理查德-布罗姆1652年创作的剧本《都市智慧》中:“It shall rain dogs and polecats.” Polecats 是一种类似于雪貂的猫,但是这个词后来在乔纳森-斯威夫特的笔下变成了Cats.1738年,斯威夫特在《礼仪对话》一书中所使用的短语就是如今我们所熟悉的这种形式:“I know Sir John will go,though he was sure it would cats and dogs.” 
《词汇短语起源故事百科全书》(Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins) 中收录了对其起源的一种解释.书中说“17世纪的英格兰在下大雨的时候,一些城市的街道就会水流成河,而且这些污水中还会飘浮着大量的死猫死狗.”(During heavy rains in 17th century England,some city streets became raging rivers of filth carrying many cats and dogs.) 
布鲁尔在其所著的《成语寓言大辞典》(Dictionary of Phrase and Fable)中说,这个短语起源于北欧:“在挪威的神话中,猫被认为可以影响天气.驾着风暴而来的女巫据说就是化身为猫的.” 而狗和狼则是风暴神欧丁的随从,其中狗是“风的象征”("In Norse mythology,the cat is supposed to have great influence on the weather.Witches that rode on storms were said to assume the form of cats." Dogs and wolves were attendants to Odin,the god of storms,and the dog "is a signal of wind.").
关于这个短语起源的另一种说法是说它来源于一个古老的法语词“catdoupe”,这个词的意思是“waterfall or cataract”.而法语中“catdoupe”的发音和“cats and dogs”有些相像,所以就有了 “to rain cats and dogs”.
最后,单独的“cats and dogs”这个短语有自己的用法,意思是“ 价值低的股票,不值钱的、卖不掉的商品”(low priced,highly speculative stock).这种用法1879年开始出现,1984年在《纽约邮报》中就曾出现过这样的用法.

在英语中雨下的大为什么叫It is raining cats and dogs

6. uncacheable,speculative,write combining是什么意思



7. 拜托翻译高手帮帮我..翻译论文摘要.!

RMB appreciation will cause long-term foreign speculative capital inflows continue, once into the market. China's securities industry should not be neglected. RMB exchange rate will rise to China's securities market will have a far-reaching impact on the way its influence, comes mainly from the current and capital account two aspects. Management of the renminbi appreciation on the stock market in the main channel from the current account and capital account two aspects. On one hand, the appreciation of the renminbi will certainly change our existing import and export situation, thereby affecting the degree of dependence on the import and export of major listed companies fundamentals and performance; the other hand, RMB appreciation will attract international speculative capital, in both formal and non-formal channels to enter the Chinese market for foreign exchange control, Despite China's capital market is relatively closed, and at this stage of RMB under capital account can not freely convertible, But in fact the foreign-invested in the pipeline is gradually connected, from the capital market, H-shares, B shares, A stock market QFII, are connected inside and outside the pipeline, from the foreign exchange market, developed along the coast of the underground foreign exchange market has become the informal foreign exchange market as an important complement. Once entered yuan revaluation cycle, These huge funds in a variety of ways free access to the securities market in order to obtain the RMB exchange rate brought about by the huge increase in receipts. A shares have led to the securities bubble, China's securities markets will have far-reaching implications Keywords : RMB appreciation speculative stock market bubble 
这个是google 在线翻译翻的,我觉得还好。


8. 因为临时有事可不可以将我的pto作出如下调整 英文

ested in discovering just how the doomed hero chos