
2024-05-21 02:06

1. 周建武的论著成果

项雷文, 汪惠勤,陆华珍,高观祯,柯李晶,饶平凡,周建武*, 板蓝根热加工过程中氨基酸组分分析,氨基酸和生物资源,2007, 29 (3) :57~59。  项雷文,高观祯,周建武*,板蓝根、南板蓝根及大青叶中蛋白质组分分析,中药材,2008,31(3):390~392   柯李晶,聂毅磊,叶秀云,霍玉书,饶平凡,周建武*, 冻干鹿茸促PC12细胞增殖蛋白组分的分离及表征,中草药,2009  鲁伟,周建武*:美拉德反应产物的抗氧化活性研究,食品与机械,2008,24(4):61~64  周建武,柯李晶:苦瓜提取物对链脲佐菌素诱导糖尿病小鼠的降糖作用研究,中华中医药学刊,2007,12.


2. 周武的主要著作


3. 周武能的论著

近三年部分论著[1] 区域稳定性约束鲁棒控制理论及应用. 北京:科学出版社,2009. 1/2[2] Delay-Dependent Robust Control for Singular Discrete-time Markovian Jump Systems with Time-varying Delay. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2010, 20 (10): 1112-1128. SCI. 1/3[3] Robust H-infty control for a generic linear rational expectations model of economy. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2010,216 (7): 2145-2154. SCI/EI. 2(CA)/4[4] On dynamics analysis of a novel three-scroll chaotic attractor. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2010, 347 (2) : 508-522. SCI/EI. 2(CA)/3[5] Dynamics analysis of a new simple chaotic attractor. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2010, 8 (2): 468-472. SCI/EI. 2(CA)/3[6] Synchronization and antisynchronization of new uncertain fractional-order modified unified chaotic systems via novel active pinning control, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2010, 15 (2): 3754-3762. SCI/EI. 2(CA)/4[7] Analysis of linear and adaptive feedback synchronization in a new unified chaotic system. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 24 (8): 708-716. SCI/EI. 2(CA)/4[8] Controlling a novel chaotic attractor using linear feedback. Journal of Information and Computing Science, 2010, 5 (2): 117-124. SCI. 3(CA)/3[9] Adaptive synchronization of the complex dynamical network with non-derivative and derivative coupling. Physical Letter A, 2010, 374 (15-16): 1673-1677. SCI. 2(CA)/4[10] Adaptive lag synchronization and parameters adaptive lag identification of chaotic systems. Physics Letters A, 2010, 374 (34) : 3441-3446. SCI.2(CA)/4[11] Topology identification and adaptive synchronization of uncertain complex networks with non-derivative and derivative coupling. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2010, 347 (8): 1566-1576. SCI. 2(CA)/5[12] Improved delay-dependent stability condition of discrete recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays. IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks, 2010, 21 (4): 692-697. SCI. 4/4[13] Delay-dependent robust H∞ admissibility and stabilization for uncertain singular system with Markovian jumping parameters. Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, 2009,28 (3): 433-450. SCI. 1/2[14] Exponential stability of hybrid stochastic neural networks with mixed time delays and nonlinearity. Neurocomputing, 2009, 72 (13-15): 3357-3365. SCI. 1/3[15] Mixed time-delays dependent exponential stability for uncertain stochastic high-order neural networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009, 215 (2):503-513. SCI. 1/2[16] Non-linear feedback control of a novel chaotic system. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2009, 7 (6): 939-944. SCI. 1/4[17] Mixed delays dependent stability of high-order neural networks based on a weak coupling LMI set. ANZIAM J, 2009, 51 (1): 123-140. SCI. 2(CA)/4[18] On dynamics analysis of a new chaotic attractor. Physics Letters A, 2008, 372 (36) SCI 1/4.


4. 周武的介绍


5. 周武的介绍

周武(1897—1950) 原名周启厚。贵州剑河人。侗族。1926年任十军肖祖景团营长,参加北伐。


6. 周建武的研究领域

