
2024-05-25 18:13

1. 常用法律英语词汇详解

                         法律,是国家的产物,是指统治阶级(统治集团,就是政党, 包括国王、君主),为了实现统治并管理国家的目的,经过一定立法程序,所颁布的基本法律和普通法律。下面是常用的法律英语词汇,希望扩大法律相关词汇的童鞋不妨看看!
            Concurrent Sentence 合并判决 
          Consecutive Sentence 连续判决 
          Consideration 约因 
          Contributory Negligence 分担疏忽 
          Copyright 版权 
          Counterclaim 反申索 
          Custody 保管,监护,拘留 
         一般而言,Custody这个名词是指对对象的保管或拥有,但在家事法中,Custody of Children 是指对未成年子女的监护权;而在刑事案件中,则指对被告的拘留。
          Decree 法庭判令 
         法庭聆讯后所作出的判令,可以分成暂时性判令“decree nisi” 和永久性判令 “decree absolute”,常见于离婚呈请的程序。一般而言,法庭颁出decree nisi后,在指定的期限过后,除非收到反对,否则都会颁出永久判令。
          Deed 契约 
          Defamation 诽谤 
          Defence 抗辩 
          Dependant 受养人 
          Disclaimer 弃权,否认 
          Discovery of documents 披露文件 
          Distraint 封租 
          Domicile 居藉 
          Estoppel 不可反言 
          Ex Parte 单方 
         在公平的原则下,诉讼的程序一般都是以双方“Inter Parte”形式进行,即是与讼双方同时有机会向法庭作出申辩。但在某些特殊的情况下,例如对申请人有人身或财物安全的迫胁,或者不让对方有机会毁灭证据等,是可以容许以单方形式进行。例如以单方传票向法庭申请禁制令,禁止对方将子女擅自携离香港。
          Fiduciary Duty 诚信责任 
          Forthwith 立即 
         法律书信经常用的副词,是立即的意思,例:The outstanding sum should be settled forthwith. 应该立即清还所欠的款项。其实,所谓立即,可以理解为最短的合理时间。


2. 法律英语常用词汇

                         法律通常是指由社会认可国家确认立法机关制定规范的行为规则,并由国家强制力(主要是司法机关)保证[1] 实施的,以规定当事人权利和义务为内容的,对全体社会成员具有普遍约束力的一种特殊行为规范(社会规范)。以下是关于法律的英语常用词汇汇总。
            一、 律师部分 
         案件受理费 court acceptance fee
         案情重大、复杂 important and complicated case
         案由 cause of action
         案子 case
         包揽诉讼 monopolize lawsuits
         被告 defendant; the accused
         被上诉人 appellee
         被诉人 respondent; defendant
         本案律师 councel pro hac vice
         本地律师 local counsel
         毕业证 diploma; graduation certificate
         辩护词 defense; pleadings
         辩护律师 defense lawyer
         辩护要点 point of defense
         辩护意见 submission
         财产租赁 property tenancy
         裁定书 order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定)
         裁决书 award(用于仲裁)
         裁决书 verdict(用于陪审团)
         采信的证据 admitted evidence; established evidence
         草拟股权转让协议 drafting agreement of assignment of equity interests
         查阅法条 source legal provisions
         产权转让 conveyancing
         出差 go on errand; go on a business trip
         出国深造 further study abroad
         出具律师意见书 providing legal opinion
         出示的证据 exhibit
         出庭 appear in court
         传票 summons; subpoena
         答辩状 answer; reply
         代理词 representation
         代理房地产买卖与转让 agency for sale and transfer of real estate
         代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地产、工商登记 agency for notarization, trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate and incorporations
         代理仲裁 agency for arbitration
         代写文书 drafting of legal instruments
         待决案件 pending case
         当事人陈述 statement of the parties
         第三人 third party
         吊销执业证 revocation of lawyer license
         调查笔录 investigative record
         调查取证 investigation and gathering for evidence
         调解 mediation
         调解书 mediation
         二审案件 case of trial of second instance
         发送电子邮件 send e-mail
         法律顾问 legal consultants
         法律意见书 legal opinions
         法律援助 legal aid
         法律咨询 legal counseling
         法庭 division; tribunal
         法学博士学位 LL.D
         法学会 law society
         法学课程 legal courses
         法学硕士学位 LL.M
         法学系 faculty of law; department of law
         法学学士学位 LL.B
         法学院 law school
         法院公告 court announcement
         反诉状 counterclaim
         房地产律师 real estate lawyer; real property lawyer
         非合伙律师 associate lawyer
         非诉讼业务 non-litigation practice
         高级合伙人 senior partner
         高级律师 senior lawyer
         各类协议和合同 agreements and contracts
         公安局 Public Security Bureau
         公司上市 company listing
         公诉案件 public-prosecuting case
         公证书 notarial certificate
         国办律师事务所 state-run law office
         国际贸易 international trade
         国际诉讼 international litigation
         国内诉讼 domestic litigation
         合伙律师 partner lawyer
         合伙制律师事务所 law office in partner-ship; cooperating law ofice
         合同审查、草拟、修改 contract review, drafting and revision
         会见当事人 interview a client
         会见犯罪嫌疑人 interview a criminal suspect
         兼职律师 part-time lawyer
         监狱 prison; jail
         鉴定结论 expert conclusion
         缴纳会费 membership dues
         举证责任 burden of proof; onus probandi
         决定书 decision
         勘验笔录 record of request
         看守所 detention house
         抗诉书 protest
         控告人 accuser; complainant
         跨国诉讼 transnational litigation
         劳动争议 labor disputes
         劳动争议仲裁委员会 arbitration committee for labor disputes
         劳改场 reform-through-labor farm; prison farm
         利害关系人 interested party; party in interest
         律管处处长 director of lawyer control department
         律师 lawyer attorney; attorney at law
         律师惩戒 lawyer discipline
         律师法 Lawyer Law
         律师费 lawyer fee
         律师函 lawyer’s letter
         律师见证 lawyer attestation/authentication
         律师见证书 lawyer certification/authentication/witness
         律师卷宗 lawyer’s docile; file
         律师刊物 lawyer’s journal
         律师联系电话 contact phone number of a lawyer
         律师事务所 law office; law firm
         律师收费 billing by lawyer
         律师网站 lawyer website
         律师协会 National Bar Association
         律师协会会员 member of Lawyer Association
         律师协会秘书长 secretary general of Bar Association
         律师协会章程 Articles of Lawyer Assocition
         律师业务室 lawyer’s office
         律师执业证 lawyer license
         律师助理 assistant lawyer
         律师资格考试 bar exam; lawyer qualification exam
         律师资格证 lawyer qualification certificate
         民事案件 civil case
         民事调解 civil mediation
         民事诉讼 civil litigation
         派出所 local police station; police substation
         判决 judgement;
         旁证 circumstantial evidence
         企业章程 articles of association; articles of incorporation; bylaw
         企业重组 corporate restructure
         起诉状 information; indictment
         取消律师资格 disbar
         全国律师代表大会 National Lawyer Congress
         缺席宣判 pronounce judgement or determination by default
         人民法院 People’s Court
         人民检察院 People’s Procuratorate
         认定事实 determine facts
         上诉案件 case of trial of second instance; appellate case
         上诉人 appellant
         上诉状 petition for appeal
         涉外律师 lawyers specially handling foreign-related matters
         申请复议 administrative reconsideration petition
         申请加入律师协会 application for admission to Law Association
         申请人 petitioner; claimant
         申诉案件 appeal case
         申诉人(仲裁) claimant; plaintiff
         申诉书 appeal for revision, petition for revision
         实习律师 apprentice lawyer; lawyer in probation period
         实习律师证 certificate of apprentice lawyer
         视听证据 audio-visual reference material
         适用法律 apply law to facts
         受害人 victim
         书证 documentary evidence
         司法部 Ministry of Justice
         司法建议书 judicial advise
         司法局 Judicial Bureau
         司法局副局长 deputy director of Judicial Bureau
         司法局局长 director of Judicial Bureau
         司法统一考试 uniform judicial exam
         送达 service of process
         诉讼 litigation; action; lawsuit
         诉讼当事人 litigation party; litigious party
         诉讼业务 litigation practice
         诉状 complaint; bill of complaint; statement of claim
         推销法律服务 promote/market legal service
         外国律师事务所 foreign law office
         委托代理合同 authorized representation contract
         委托代理人 agent ad litem; entrusted agent
         委托授权书 power of attorney
         物证 material evidence
         嫌疑人 criminal suspect
         项目融资 project financing
         项目谈判 project negotiating
         刑事案件 criminal case
         刑事诉讼 criminal litigation
         行政诉讼 administrative litigation
         休庭 adjourn the court; recess
         宣判 pronounce judgement; determination
         宣誓书 affidavit
         业务进修 attendance in advanced studies
         一审案件 case of trial of first instance
         与国外律师事务所交流 communicate with foreign law firms
         原告 plaintiff
         证券律师 securities lawyer
         证人证言 testimony of witness; affidavit
         执行笔录 execution record
         执业登记 registration for practice
         执业范围 scope of practice; sphere of practice; practice area
         执业申请 practice application
         执业证年检 annual inspection of lawyer license
         仲裁 arbitration
         仲裁案件 arbitration case
         仲裁机构 arbitration agency
         专门律师 specialized lawyer
         专职律师 professional lawyer; full-time lawyer
         撰写法律文章 write legal thesis
         资信调查 credit standing investigation
         自诉案件 private prosecuting case
          二、 诉讼法律 
         案件 case
         案件发回 remand/rimit a case
         案件名称 title of a case
         案卷材料 materials in the case
         案情陈述书 statement of case
         案外人 person other than involved in the case
         案值 total value involved in the case
         败诉方 losing party
         办案人员 personnel handling a case
         保全措施申请书 application for protective measures
         报案 report a case
         被告 defendant; the accused
         被告人最后陈述 final statement of the accused
         被告向原告第二次答辩 rejoinder
         被害人 victim
         被害人的诉讼代理人 victim’s agent ad litem
         被上诉人 respondent; the appellee
         被申请人 respondent
         被申请执行人 party against whom execution is filed
         被执行人 person subject to enforcement
         本诉 principal action
         必要共同诉讼人 party in necessary co-litigation
         变通管辖 jurisdiction by accord
         辩护 defense
         辩护律师 defense attorney/lawyer
         辩护人 defender
         辩护证据 exculpatory evidence; defense evidence
         辩论阶段 stage of court debate
         驳回反诉 dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim
         驳回请求 deny/dismiss a motion
         驳回上诉、维持原判 reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original judgement/ruling
         驳回诉讼 dismiss an action/suit
         驳回通知书 notice of dismissal
         驳回自诉 dismiss/reject a private prosecution
         驳回自诉裁定书 ruling of dismissing private-prosecuting case
         补充答辩 supplementary answer
         补充判决 supplementary judgement
         补充侦查 supplementary investigation
         不公开审理 trial in camera
         不立案决定书 written decision of no case-filing
         不批准逮捕决定书 written decision of disapproving an arrest
         不起诉 nol pros
         不予受理起诉通知书 notice of dismissal of accusation by the court
         财产保全申请书 application for attachment; application for property preservation
         裁定 order; determination
         裁定管辖 jurisdiction by order
         裁定书 order; ruling
         裁决书 award
         采信的证据 admitted evidence
         查封 seal up
         撤回上诉 withdraw appeal
         撤诉 withdraw a lawsuit
         撤销立案 revoke a case placed on file
         撤销原判,发回重审 rescind the original judgement and remand the case ro the original court for retrial
         出示的证据 exhibit
         除权判决 invalidating judgement
         传唤 summon; call
         传闻证据 hearsay
         答辩 answer; reply
         答辩陈述书 statement of defence
         答辩状 answer; reply
         大法官 associate justices; justice
         大检察官 deputy chief procurator
         代理控告 agency for accusation
         代理申诉 agency for appeal
         代理审判员 acting judge
         代为申请取保候审 agency for application of the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving
         弹劾式诉讼 accusatory procedure
         当事人陈述 statement of the parties
         当庭宣判 pronouncement of judgement or sentence in court
         地区管辖 territorial jurisdiction
         地区检察分院 inter-mediate People’s Procuratorate
         第三人 third party
         调查笔录 record of investigation
         定期宣判 pronouncement of judgement or sentence later on a fixed date
         定罪证据 incriminating evidence; inculpatory evidence
         冻结 freeze
         督促程序 procedure of supervision and urge
         独任庭 sole-judge bench
         独任仲裁员 sole arbitrator
         对妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施 compulsory measures against impairment of civil action
         对席判决 judgement inter parties
         二审 trial of second instance
         二审案件 case of trial of second insurance
         罚款 impose a fine
         法定证据 statutory legal evidence
         法定证据制度 system of legal evidence
         法官 judges
         法警 bailiff; court police
         法律文书 legal instruments/papers
         法律援助 legal aid
         法律咨询 legal consulting
         法庭辩论 court debate
         法庭调查 court investigation
         法庭审理笔录 court record
         法庭审理方式 mode of court trial
         法庭庭长 chief judge of a tribunal
         法院 court
         法院公告 court announcement
         反诉 counterclaim
         反诉答辩状 answer with counterclaim
         反诉状 counterclaim
         犯罪嫌疑人 criminal suspect
         附带民事诉讼案件 a collateral civil action
         附带民事诉讼被告 defendant of collateral civil action
         复查 reexamination; recheck
         复验 reinspect
         高级法官 senior judge
         高级检察官 senior procurator
         高级人民法院 Higher People’s Court
         告诉案件 case of complaint
         告诉才处理的案件 case accepted at complaint
         告诉申诉庭 complaint and petition division
         工读学校 work-study school for delinquent children
         公安部 Ministry of Public Security
         公安分局 public security sub-bureau
         公安厅 public security bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government
         公开审理 trial in public
         公开审判制度 open trial system
         公示催告程序 procedure of public summons for exhortation
         公诉案件 public-prosecuting case
         公诉词 statement of public prosecution
         公证机关 public notary office
         共同管辖 concurrent jurisdiction
         管辖 jurisdiction
         国际司法协助 international judicial assistance
         海事法院 maritime court
         合议庭 collegial panel              

3. 常用法律英语词汇

    第三债务 是法定债务人的债权,例如在银行中的存款,出租楼宇所得的租金等。如果败诉的一方,并没有依照法庭判令对另一方作出赔偿,胜诉一方便可以向败诉方的第三债务发出扣记令,要求从该第三债务中取得获判的赔偿。
    保证 保证人(Guarantor)承诺当某人不作出某指定的行为时,例如不依期还款,便负责赔偿受保证人的损失。保证一般都会以书面并以契约形式订立,称为Deed of Guarantee。
    聆讯 案件在公开审讯前,法庭进行的各项中途聆听与讼各方的申请或陈述,聆讯一般都在内庭形式进行,与案无关人士不得列席。
    Hearsay evidence
    传闻证据 不是证人从亲身经历而得的证据,只是听取其它人的转述,或者呈交由他人制定的文件,例如收费单据等。
    Implied term
    默示条款 在合约中并没有明文订立的条款,但因为事实的需要,法例的规定或者有关行业的惯例,在合约中加诸的条款。例如在雇佣合约中,虽然没有订明雇员必须尽忠职守,勤力工作,但其实这些条件,经已默示在合约当中,被视为有效的条款。
    侵犯权利 一般指侵犯了他人的民事权利,多用于知识产权的侵占行为。例:Using a registered trade mark without its owner’s permission is a serious infringement of the owner’s proprietary right. 盗用他人注册商标是一项严重的侵犯权利行为。
    禁制令 禁制令是法庭颁下禁止某项行为或不行为,受禁人必须遵从命令的指示,例如不可以接近某人等,或者清除所有非法僭建物等,不理会禁制令等于是藐视法庭,可以被判罚款甚至监禁。
    文书,文件 处理法律事务及作为证据的文件,例如股份转让时用的转让文书(Instrument of Transfer)。
    Inter alia
    其它以外 在法律文件书信中,经常会出现这个拉丁词,意思是在“当中列出这一项”,即是尚有其它事项。
    Interim order
    暂时命令 指在诉讼过程中暂时性的命令,例如在离婚呈请中法庭所颁下的暂时性赡养费令(Interim Maintenance Order),在案件审理后,法庭再判定永久性命令,以取代该暂时性命令。
    中途的指令 法庭在诉讼过程中发出的指令,例如指定双方在14天内交换文件清单,或者批准其中一方申请延期将文件送交法庭存盘等。
    无遗嘱 逝世后没有留下遗嘱,死者的遗产便须要按照>分配,但在进行遗产分配之前,在该条例中指明合资格的人,应先向高等法院的遗产承办处申请成为死者的遗产承办人(Administrator),然后负责分配死者的遗产。
    Intra vires
    权力以内 得到授权行事,必须在权力范围以内进行,才算是合法的行为,并没有得到授权而进行的事项,都属于权力以外( ultra vivres)。
    Ipso facto
    事实使然 单以行为或事实本身所产生的效果,便已经可以对事情作出判断。
    发出,争论点,子嗣 Issue可以作多方面的解释,例如:1. 发出:This writ was issued more than one year. 这份传票是在1年多以前发出的;2. 争论点:The issue of this action is the date of the contract.这案件的争论点是合约的日期;3. 子嗣:None of his issues will be benefited from his estate.他的子嗣都不会在其遗产中得益。
    Joint tenancy
    联权 两人共同拥有一项物业,可以以联权的形式拥有,亦可以以分权的形式(Tenancy in Common) 拥有。联权拥有物业,一般人称为“长命契”,联权形式是双方共同拥有物业的全部,当其中一方逝世后,剩余的一方便独自拥有该物业。
    失去时效 在商议的过程中,所给予考虑的时限过后,有关的提议也失去了效力。例:This offer will be lapsed automatically after the time limit. 这项要约在期限过后,便会自动失效。
    许可 Leave这个词一般解作“离去”,但法律上则用作为法庭的许可,例:It is necessary to seek the Court’s leave to file a document out of time. 时限过后,必须得到法庭的许可才可以将文件存盘。
    留置权 这是扣留他人财物的权利,一般用作为还款的保证,或者作为还款的交换。
    Limitation period
    时限 民事申索案件,一般都有一个指定的时限,时限过后,必须要得到法庭的特别批准,才可以进行有关的申索或者程序。一般的合约纠纷时限为6年,但涉及契约的纠纷则有12年时限,雇员工伤索偿的时限是由意外发生日起的两年内进行,而其它受伤索偿的时限则有3年。
    Liquidated damages
    定额赔偿 民事诉讼中原告所申索的赔偿是一个指定的数额,当被告收到了传票后,如果他照该指定赔偿额付款给原告,原告便再没有申索的理据,案件也就因此而完结。
    案件排期 案件发展至进行审讯的阶段,便可以向法庭申请将案件排期审讯,案件可以在固定名册中排期,也可以在浮动名册中排期。
    供养,赡养费 一个人向另一个人提供经济给予的行为,称为供养。而在家事法上,对子女配偶提供的生活费用,称为赡养费。
    法律理据 诉讼案件中的事实,致令原告作为提出控诉的法律依据,或者作为被告抗辩的理由。
    Mesne profits
    代租金 租客不依期缴交租金,业主可以就租客的违约行为取消有关的租约,追讨拖欠的租金,如果租客在业主取消租约后,仍然占用有关楼宇,业主可以追讨相等于租金数额的代租金,作为租客非法占用楼宇的赔偿。
    挪用 未经物主同意,擅自取用他人的对象或金钱的行为,如果有证据显示挪用者有意永久占有该对象,则挪用者的行为属于daoqie。
    请求轻判,减低 1. 刑事案中的被告请求法庭轻判其罪行,法庭会视乎被告是否有犯罪记录,家庭背景,是否对所犯罪行表示悔意等而作出适量的判刑。 2. 在索偿的民事诉讼中,虽然被告有责任赔偿原告的损失,但原告也有责任将损失减低。
    Natural child
    亲生子女 natural child泛指亲生子女,但可以是婚生(legitimate)又或是非婚生的(illegitimate)。
    疏忽、怠慢 这个字很多时用在专业人仕身上,主要针对专业人仕并没有根据他们的专业操守、行为,而作出适当的做法,至使他们的客户因此而蒙受损失。
    Next friend
    诉讼保护人 有这个保护人出现,主要是因为诉讼人为未成年人或是病人,而需要由这个诉讼保护人来代表。
    Nolle presequi
    不起诉 enters a nolle prosequi即提出中止起诉,是原告人对被告人的承诺,中止对被告人的起诉。有别于民事案件,在刑事案件中,就算律政司提出中止起诉,并不等同被告不会因同一罪名而再受捡控。
    Non est factum
    这不是我所签署的 Non est factum很多时候是作为被告的辩词,声称被告没有签署文件,又或被告签署文件的时候并不知道文件的内容,所以non est factum的英文解释是it is not my deed。
    Notice to quit
    迁出通知书 在业主与租客的关系上,无论任何一方均可将通知书派送对方,作为中止租约的通知。但根据《业主与租客(综合)条例》所例明,业主派送给租客的通知,一定要受条例内的时间限制。而租客的迁出通知书亦不可以用作中途中止租约,除非相方同意或租约有条款列明。
    Nullity of Marriage
    判决婚姻无效 在法例上的某些规限,以判决婚姻无效,这个判决,可以是男方的性无能又或女方自结婚以来一直以理由拒绝与男方相好。若法庭判决婚姻无效,双方的婚姻情况便属于未婚,而不是离婚。
    Obiter dictum
    法官裁判时发表之附带意见 是法官判案时所发表的一些附带的意见,不会影响案件的.最后判决。
    Official Receiver
    破产清判官 是政府的一个职位。专责处理破产或公司清盘事宜。其办公室处于香港金钟道政府合署十楼。
    Onus of proof
    举证责任 详情可见Burden of Proof。
    Open Contract
    条件未完全的合约 合约的订立,有很多组成的部份,除了基本的合约订立人、合约年期、合约模式及双方责任等,但若合约缺少了例如双方执行的时间等,便可以称为未完全的合约。(合约订立详情,请参阅法律常识版)。
    Order of discharge
    解除破产令 根据现行法例,若个人被法庭裁定破产,他需要面对破产后的种种限制,包括不可以出任公司董事、不可以涉及公司管理、不可以向别人借贷而不透露自己破产的身份等等。若破产后得到法庭获准颁发解除破产令,个人便可回复自由身。
    Ordinary resolution
    普通决议 普通决议是指一般公司会议时,以超过一半投票人所同意的议决,这样的决议有别于extraordinary resolution (非常决议)及special resolution (特别决议)。
    推翻 即高层法院对低层法院判案决定的推翻,这个可以是上诉庭对一审法院判决的推翻,又或是最终法院对上诉庭判案的推翻。
    赦免 指犯人透过赦免而被撤销判罪或判刑,而当犯人被赦免后,他不可以再次因同一案件再被定罪。
    Partial intestacy
    部份无遗嘱继承 指死者在遗嘱内,并未完全包括死者所有的遗产。例如死者在遗嘱内只提及物业、现金(包括银行存款)的处理,实质死者还有股票及其它珠宝手饰并未在遗嘱提及,因此,这些未提及的遗产便需要根据无遗嘱继承法处理。
    Personal service
    专人送达 由送达人员亲身将法庭或律师楼文件交到收文件人手上。在某些情况下,法庭或法例上可能会要求特别的送达方式,专人送达是其中一种,另外可能是用挂号邮件方式或由登广告的方法。
    对人 与rem对物相对。是拉丁语,指对人或与人有关的。
    请求 在法律上,一个Petition可以是离婚的请求,亦可以是破产的请求,是以一个请求状的形式带出的。
    Physical possession
    实体占有 Physical possession有别于其它的possession,因为若对象是在一个人的实体占有,即表示那人手上真正占有该对象。不过,实体占有并不等于对象的拥有权。例如买家向卖家订货,卖家已将对象特别与其它货物分割开,而买家已将所有金额支付,那么卖家虽然仍实体占有该对象,但他并非对象的拥有者。
    原告 通常在诉讼过程中,向被告人发出告票的一方为原告,原告可以是个人或是法团,亦可以是政府。
    Possessory title
    土地占有权 这个土地占有权,并没有任何契据所支持,主要因为占用人已将物业占有了一段长时间,而并没有人提出反对的话,占有人便可因此而将土地注册,成为土地的注册拥有人。
    Power of Attorney
    委托书 以契约形成,将个人的某些权力,委派于他人身上。最常见的是用于物业管理上,例如业主已移民外国,业主在港的物业,他委派一个可信的人替他管理,亦可以透过委托书要求受委托人替他将物业出租或出售。
    先买 Pre-emption最常出现在有限公司的股权买卖内,因为很多时在公司的章程内会规定,若公司的股东要将手上持有公司的股份出让,就必须要先买给现有的股东,这个情况主要防止有外来的人仕介入公司的业务内。
    补地价 补地价广泛应用在香港的新界土地转让上或房屋署的居者有其屋计划内。若卖家要将这些业卖出,他必须将物业先补地价,拿到补地价纸后,才可将物业卖出,现时买卖情况,亦可以容许卖方收到买方的楼款才补地价。
    Presumption of death
    推定死亡 香港法例,若配偶失踪达七年或以上时间,在世的配偶可以向法庭申请,推定失踪配偶已死亡。若法庭颁下命令,在世配偶便可处理失踪配偶的遗产。
    Prohibition Order
    禁制令 禁制令常见于债权人向债务人所发出,债权人必须令法庭满意债务人是有意图逃避法律责任,并会逃离香港,故便发出禁制令禁止债务人出境。
    赔偿金额 在民事诉讼中,特别是一些个人受伤赔偿的案件,很多时候,被告都会承应责任,但至于责任要负多少来制定一个赔偿金额便是这个Quantum的问题。
    Question of fact
    事实问题 完全由事实为根据,与法律无关,须经由法庭所判决。例如在qiangjian案中,受害人指被被告qiangjian,而被告则指出性行为乃经受害人同意,所以这案件的事实问题是有性行为发生,但至于有没有qiangjian就涉及法律问题。
    Question of Law
    法律问题 若果裁断是根据事实问题而作出,除非有很特别的情况,否则很难可以从上诉法庭推审下级法庭的裁断。但法律问题就不同,诉讼当事人一般都可以就法律问题提出上诉。
    Quilt enjoyment
    平静享受的权利 平静享受的权利,一般出现于租约内,就算租约内没有明显条款规定业主要提供一平静享受的环境,这个权利都可以作为一般租务住客的隐含条款。


4. 法律的英语单词?

n. 法律;规律;法治;法学;诉讼;司法界;戒律;守则;准则
vi. 起诉;控告
vt. 控告;对……起诉
by law 根据法律,在法律上;附则
criminal law 刑法
We have a duty to uphold the law. 

the law用于美国口语中,可表示执法者,警察,只用单数。the law还可作律师界的意思,follow the law的意思是当律师。

5. 法律英语单词






6. 法律用语的英文

 In legal contexts, equapty is monly deemed among "natural rights" .  在 法律用语 中,平等被认为是“自然权利”的一种。
  The right of a pubpc university to punish students is not yet a clearly defined legal term  摘要公立高校的处分权在我国尚不是一个明确的 法律用语 。 
  In our country , the administrative contract at present is not the legal term , therefore , is more chaotic about the administrative contract pmits  在我国,行政合同目前还不是 法律用语 ,所以,关于行政合同的界定更加混乱。 
  However , there are obvious defects in such provisions . one of them is that neither of a blank promissory note or a blank draft is permitted  但是,上述规定存在明显缺陷:一是 法律用语 含混模糊,二是没有对空白本票和空白汇票作出规定。 
  We should thoroughly criticize the viewpoint of absolutely infinite defence in theory , standardizing law terms and normapzing intension , extension and claims of implementing detailed rules of article 20 , section 3 of the criminal law according to legislation and judicature . at the same time we should avoid ambiguity and abuse to the legal provision and resume the essence of defence right . otherwise unnecessary confusion would be brought about  我们必须在理论上彻底批判绝对的无限防卫的观点,从立法和司法等多角度全面规范我国《刑法》第20条第3款的内涵、外延及实施细则要求,尽量规范 法律用语 ,最大限度地杜绝社会对法条的歧义和滥用,还防卫权以本来面目,否则必然会给社会带来不必要的混乱。 

7. 律师常用的法律英语汇总

    案件受理费 court acceptance fee
    案情重大、复杂 important and complicated case
    案由 cause of action
    案子 case
    包揽诉讼 monopolize lawsuits
    被告 defendant(用于民事、行政案件); the accused (用于刑事案件)
    被上诉人 appellee
    被诉人 respondent; defendant
    本案律师 councel pro hac vice
    本地律师 local counsel
    毕业证 diploma; graduation certificate
    辩护词 defense; pleadings
    辩护律师 defense lawyer
    辩护要点 point of defense
    辩护意见 submission
    财产租赁 property tenancy
    裁定书 order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定)
    裁决书 award(用于仲裁)
    裁决书 verdict(用于陪审团)
    采信的证据 admitted evidence; established evidence
    草拟股权转让协议 drafting agreement of assignment of equity interests
    查阅法条 source legal provisions
    产权转让 conveyancing
    出差 go on errand; go on a business trip
    出国深造 further study abroad
    出具律师意见书 providing legal opinion
    出示的证据 exhibit
    出庭 appear in court
    传票 summons; subpoena
    答辩状 answer; reply
    代理词 representation
    代理房地产买卖与转让 agency for sale and transfer of real estate
    代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地产、工商登记 agency for notarization, trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate and incorporations
    代理仲裁 agency for arbitration
    代写文书 drafting of legal instruments
    待决案件 pending case
    当事人陈述 statement of the parties
    第三人 third party
    吊销执业证 revocation of lawyer license
    调查笔录 investigative record
    调查取证 investigation and gathering for evidence
    调解 mediation
    调解书 mediation
    二审案件 case of trial of second instance
    发送电子邮件 send e-mail
    法律顾问 legal consultants
    法律意见书 legal opinions
    法律援助 legal aid
    法律咨询 legal counseling
    法庭 division; tribunal
    法学博士学位 LL.D (Doctor of Laws)
    法学会 law society
    法学课程 legal courses
    法学硕士学位 LL.M (Master of Laws)
    法学系 faculty of law; department of law
    法学学士学位 LL.B (Bachelor of Laws)
    J.D ( juris doctor缩写,美国法学学士)
    法学院 law school
    法院公告 court announcement
    反诉状 counterclaim
    房地产律师 real estate lawyer; real property lawyer
    非合伙律师 associate lawyer
    非诉讼业务 non-litigation practice
    高级合伙人 senior partner
    高级律师 senior lawyer
    各类协议和合同 agreements and contracts
    公安局 Public Security Bureau
    公司上市 company listing
    公诉案件 public-prosecuting case
    公证书 notarial certificate
    国办律师事务所 state-run law office
    国际贸易 international trade
    国际诉讼 international litigation
    国内诉讼 domestic litigation
    合伙律师 partner lawyer
    合伙制律师事务所 law office in partner-ship; cooperating law ofice
    合同审查、草拟、修改 contract review, drafting and revision
    会见当事人 interview a client
    会见犯罪嫌疑人 interview a criminal suspect
    兼职律师 part-time lawyer
    监狱 prison; jail
    鉴定结论 expert conclusion
    缴纳会费 membership dues
    举证责任 burden of proof; onus probandi
    决定书 decision
    勘验笔录 record of request
    看守所 detention house
    抗诉书 protest
    控告人 accuser; complainant
    跨国诉讼 transnational litigation
    劳动争议 labor disputes
    劳动争议仲裁委员会 arbitration committee for labor disputes
    劳改场 reform-through-labor farm; prison farm
    利害关系人 interested party; party in interest
    律管处处长 director of lawyer control department
    律师 lawyer attorney; attorney at law
    律师惩戒 lawyer discipline
    律师法 Lawyer Law
    律师费 lawyer fee
    律师函 lawyer’s letter
    律师见证 lawyer attestation/authentication
    律师见证书 lawyer certification/authentication/witness
    律师卷宗 lawyer’s docile; file
    律师刊物 lawyer’s journal
    律师联系电话 contact phone number of a lawyer
    律师事务所 law office; law firm
    律师收费 billing by lawyer
    律师网站 lawyer website
    律师协会 National Bar (Lawyer) Association
    律师协会会员 member of Lawyer Association
    律师协会秘书长 secretary general of Bar (Lawyer) Association
    律师协会章程 Articles of Lawyer Assocition
    律师业务室 lawyer’s office
    律师执业证 lawyer license
    律师助理 assistant lawyer
    律师资格考试 bar exam; lawyer qualification exam
    律师资格证 lawyer qualification certificate
    民事案件 civil case
    民事调解 civil mediation
    民事诉讼 civil litigation
    派出所 local police station; police substation
    判决 judgement(用于民事、行政案件);
    旁证 circumstantial evidence
    企业章程 articles of association; articles of incorporation; bylaw
    企业重组 corporate restructure
    起诉状 information; indictment
    取消律师资格 disbar
    全国律师代表大会 National Lawyer Congress
    缺席宣判 pronounce judgement or determination by default
    人民法院 People’s Court
    人民检察院 People’s Procuratorate
    认定事实 determine facts
    上诉案件 case of trial of second instance; appellate case
    上诉人 appellant
    上诉状 petition for appeal
    涉外律师 lawyers specially handling foreign-related matters
    申请复议 administrative reconsideration petition
    申请加入律师协会 application for admission to Law Association
    申请人 petitioner; claimant
    申诉案件 appeal case
    申诉人(仲裁) claimant; plaintiff
    申诉书 appeal for revision, petition for revision
    实习律师 apprentice lawyer; lawyer in probation period
    实习律师证 certificate of apprentice lawyer
    视听证据 audio-visual reference material
    适用法律 apply law to facts
    受害人 victim
    书证 documentary evidence
    司法部 Ministry of Justice
    司法建议书 judicial advise
    司法局 Judicial Bureau
    司法局副局长 deputy director of Judicial Bureau
    司法局局长 director of Judicial Bureau
    司法统一考试 uniform judicial exam
    送达 service of process
    诉讼 litigation; action; lawsuit
    诉讼当事人 litigation party; litigious party
    诉讼业务 litigation practice
    诉状 complaint; bill of complaint; statement of claim
    推销法律服务 promote/market legal service
    外国律师事务所 foreign law office
    委托代理合同 authorized representation contract
    委托代理人 agent ad litem; entrusted agent
    委托授权书 power of attorney
    物证 material evidence
    嫌疑人 criminal suspect
    项目融资 project financing
    项目谈判 project negotiating
    刑事案件 criminal case
    刑事诉讼 criminal litigation
    行政诉讼 administrative litigation
    休庭 adjourn the court; recess
    宣判 pronounce judgement; determination
    宣誓书 affidavit
    业务进修 attendance in advanced studies
    一审案件 case of trial of first instance
    与国外律师事务所交流 communicate with foreign law firms
    原告 plaintiff
    证券律师 securities lawyer
    证人证言 testimony of witness; affidavit
    执行笔录 execution record
    执业登记 registration for practice
    执业范围 scope of practice; sphere of practice; practice area
    执业申请 practice application
    执业证年检 annual inspection of lawyer license
    仲裁 arbitration
    仲裁案件 arbitration case
    仲裁机构 arbitration agency
    专门律师 specialized lawyer
    专职律师 professional lawyer; full-time lawyer
    撰写法律文章 write legal thesis
    资信调查 credit standing investigation
    自诉案件 private prosecuting case
    1.Divine‘s punishments, though slow, are always sure.
    2.An act is not a crime unless the law says it is one.
    3.This contract is made of one original and two duplicate originals, all of which are of the same effect.
    4. The law does not concern itself about family trifles.
    5.This document is legally binding.
    6. This law is in abeyance.
    7. This law has become a dead letter.
    8. This law will go into effect on the day of its promulgation.
    9 The court dismissed the action.
    10. The court ordered the case to be retried.
    11.Giving the killer what he deserves.
    12. Hate the sin but not the sinner.
    13.Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.
    14. Everyone is equal before the law.
    15. First in time, first in right.
    16. No rights can rest on one person without a corresponding duty resting on some other person or persons.
    17. In most civil contexts it does not matter whether negligence is “gross” or “slight”.
    18. Traditionally, firm referred to a partnership, as opposed to a company.
    19.A transaction between two parties ought not to operate to the disadvantage of a third.
    20. An acceptance once given cannot be revoked unless the offeror consents.
    21. A contract may be modified if the parties reach a consensus through consultation.
    22. Any amendments to this contract shall become effective only by a written agreement by Party A and Party B.
    23. Any annex is the integral part of this contract.
    24. Any departure from the terms and conditions of the contract must be advised in writing.
    25. Any failure by a party to carry out all or part of his obligations under the contract shall be considered as a substantial breach.
    26. Any party has no right to terminate this contract without another party‘s agreement.
    27.Examples of void contracts are those entered as a result of misrepresentation, duress or undue influence.
    28. If any of the above-mentioned clauses is inconsistent with the following additional clauses, the latter to be taken as authentic.
    29. If there are provisions as otherwise stated in respect to contracts in other laws, such provisions shall be followed.
    30.No consideration, no contract.
    31. Other special terms will be listed bellows.
    32. Party A and B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.
    33. Parties hereto may revise or supplement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein.
    34. The parties may dissolve the contract upon consensus through consultation.
    35. Counsel must not lead the witness.
    36. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the judge will pass sentence next week.
    37. The jury was unable to reach a unanimous decision.
    38.Judgment was entered for the plaintiff.
    39. Now the court is in session.
    40. Order in the court.
    41. objection -反对 objection overruled——反对驳回


8. 法律用英语怎么说

Laws and regulations
1、Laws :法律
2、regulations:n. [管理] 条例;规程(regulation的复数);章则。普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。
3、and  regulations:以及规章制度。

此外,还有大量行话,如:on the bench(担任法官职务)take silk(担任王室法律顾问)。对于法律英语的初学者而言,在理解法律术语及行话时切忌望文生义。
