
2024-05-29 00:38

1. 有关中美证券法的翻译!!汉翻英!!

China and the United States compared to the non-listed public companies, the main difference : the issuance of securities system, released to the public on a different definition of a public company to become the standard, private placement of securities of different definitions. 1, the securities distribution system from the United States to take the issue of the securities registration system, and joint-stock issuers, must first apply to the United States Securities Commission (SEC) registration. To facilitate the financing of enterprises, lower financing costs, related regulations of the seven can be exempted from registration. China's securities will be issued to the public to take approval system, and joint-stock offer shares to the public must be approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. And the United States compared to the distribution system, while China has not introduced an "exempt" concept, but according to the "Company Law", In addition to the public and listed companies outside the Company to the targeted non-public offerings of stock only with the endorsement of the General Assembly or the shareholders Board approval (the "Company Law" 134th). issued after the completion of the company registration office will be registered (the "Company Law" 137th), equivalent to the "Private Placement exemptions." Second, to the public offering different definitions of the United States "Securities Act" definition, refers to public offerings of securities of issuers, Underwriters and brokers operating on the basis of their professional sales force, the use of advertising, fax, and other publicity and public-oriented marketing tool, not specific to selling investment securities, to obtain the funds. China's new "Securities Act" will be the 10th of the securities will be issued to the public is defined as : "one of the following conditions for public offerings : (1) not to target specific securities issued; (2) accumulated more than 200 people targeted in securities issued; (3) the legal and administrative regulations issued by other acts. Closed securities issued shall not be adopted advertising, proselytizing in public and covert and open manner. " Comparing China and the United States published by the Securities definition China "Securities Act" definition of a public offering of the same basic situation in the United States be issued to the public, in addition, China will "to accumulating more than 200 people targeted in the issue securities" is also defined as an open issue, and in the United States, "object to the specific securities issued" in most cases belong to the private placement areas. Clearly, our right to define released to the public than the United States to a much wider. Under the "Securities Act", "open issue" needs approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Therefore, in addition Corp. "is not targeted to the public offering of securities" needs to be approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, future "to a total of more than 200 people targeted in securities issued" also needs approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, This may include both cases : (1) Company to the targeted Corp. to issue stock to shareholders over 200 people; (2) the number of shareholders exceeded 200 stock replenishment of the stock issuance.


2. 中美之战几率有多大?翻译成为英文,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

What's the chance of Sino-Us war?


3. 证券法中secondary distribution是什么意思


证券法中secondary distribution是什么意思

4. 这是篇美国证券法的案例(7),能帮我翻译一下么

期限"投资合同" 由证券未定义行动或由相关的立法报告。 但期限是共同在许多状态"蓝天" 法律存在在联邦法规的收养之前和, 虽然期限由州法并且未定义, 它由状态法院宽广地解释以便付得起投资的公众全面的保护。 形式被忽视了为物质并且重视给予了在经济现实。 投资合同因而来意味一份合同或计划为"安置资本或计划金钱在方式意欲获取收入或从它的就业赢利。"状态v 。 地鼠轮胎& 橡胶Co., 146 Minn 。 52, 56, 177 N 。 W 。 937, 938. 这个定义由状态法院一致地申请了向各种各样的情况[ * * 1103 年] 个体被带领在共同的企业中投资金钱以他们单一地会赢得赢利通过促进者努力或大约人除他们自己之外的期望的地方。 n4 

n4 状态v 。 Evans, 154 Minn 。 95, 191 N 。 W 。 425; Klatt v 。 担保债券Co., 213 Wis 。 12, 250 N 。 W 。 825; 状态v 。 荒地, 199 N 。 C 。 135, 153 S 。 E 。 855; Prohaska v 。 Hemmer 米勒发展Co., 256 不适。 App 。 331; 人们v 。 白色, 124 Cal 。 App 。 548, 12 P 。 _ 2 1078; Stevens v 。 Liberty Packing Corp., 111 N 。 J 。 Eq 。 61, 161 A 。 193. 参见Moore v 。 Stella, 52 Cal 。 App 。 第2 766, 127 P 。 第2 300 。

5. 保险金融类英译汉


2.翻译的问题比较大。。。因为自己不是很懂行业术语 希望对你有所帮助。 

1.超出最低收益之上的那一部分 后面的我不知道你指的是什么  如果是benchmark  那就是基额
2.Why is the term hedge to describe “hedge funds” misleading?用来描述“对冲基金”一词的hedge会误导读者?    可以这么翻译
3.Where is the term hedge fund described in the U.S. securities laws?   在美国证券法究竟是如何描述对冲基金的。( Where 可以翻译为如何,究竟)


6. 这是篇美国证券法的案例(6),能帮我翻译一下么

部分2 (1) 法案定义期限"安全" 包括共同地知道的文件被换[ * * * 1249 年] 为猜想或投资。 n3 这个定义并且包括"证券" 一个更加易变的字符, 由如此描写期限选定象"证明利益或参与任何益利分配协议,"" 投资合同"并且" 总之, 任何兴趣或仪器共同地以' ' 安全著名。' ' "法律问题在这种情况下转动在决心是否, 在这些情况下, 土地销售合约, 保单行为和服务合约一起构成一个"投资合同" 在. 之内2 (1) 的意思。 一个肯定的答复带领进入操作. 5 (a) 的注册要求, 除非安全被授予豁免在. 3 (b) 之下。 下院, 在到达一个消极答复对这个问题, 比普通的房地产销售和协议对待了合同和行为[ * 298 ] 作为分开的交易介入没有由卖主处理物产为买家。 

n3 "期限' ' 安全" 意味任一笔记, 股票, 库存股票, 债券, 公司债务, 债务的证据, 证明利益或参与任何益利分配协议, 抵押信任证明, preorganization 证明或捐款, 可转移的份额, 投资合同, 投票信任证明, 利率存单为安全, 分数未分开的兴趣在油上, 气体, 或其它开采权, 或, 总之, 任何兴趣或仪器共同地以' ' 安全著名,"或任何证明利益或参与, 临时或暂时的证明为, 收据为, 保证, 或保证或权利订阅对或购买, 任何前面。"

7. 这是篇美国证券法的案例(3),能帮我翻译一下么

证券交易委员会制定此项法令,是为禁止回应者在违反法案第五条的未登记和未免除的证券(?专业词汇)的交易中使用邮件和其他跨州商业的手段。地方法院裁定该禁令无效(60F SUPP. 440),第五巡回法院同意该裁决(151 F 2d 714)。由于一份诉状宣称巡回法院的判决与联邦和美国决议相左,并在该法令下提出了一种新颖而未经批准的测验,我们同意移送诉讼文件。委员会则认为该测验在行政上是不可行的。


8. 这是篇美国证券法的案例(2),能帮我翻译一下么

1. 在这个案件事实, 提供柑橘树丛发展的单位被结合与一个合同为耕种, 营销和宽恕网收益对投资者, 依照被使用是提供一个"投资合同" 在那个期限之内的意思在供应. 2 (1) 证券法案1933 年定义"安全" 和包括任一个"投资合同,"并且是因此依于行动的注册要求。 页。 294-297, 299. 
2. 为证券法案的目的, 投资合同(由法案未定义) 意味一个合同, 交易或计划藉以人在共同的企业中投资他的金钱和被带领单一地期望赢利从促进者或第三方的努力, 它是非物质的是否份额在企业中由有名无实的兴趣见证由正式证明或在实物资产在企业中被使用。 页。 298-299 。 
3. 事实一些采购员, 由拒绝输入