
2024-05-02 08:51

1. 带有颜色的英语谚语大全

1、black money:黑钱(指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱)。

2、black market:黑市交易或黑市(意为暗中进行政府禁止买卖的商品或外汇的交易,或指进行违法的投机市场);由此派生出black market price:黑市价格。

3、black figure / in the black:盈利、赚钱、顺差;black figure nation:国际收支顺差国;interest in the black:应收利息;call white black /call black white:混淆是非;in the black:盈利、赚钱、顺差。


2. 颜色的英语谚语

                       【Topic of the Day: White】
       [1] a white elephant
       释义:a very costly possession that is worthless to its owner and only a cause of trouble.
       例句:You have bought yourself a white elephant,this house is far too isolated.No one will stay here and the upkeep will ruin you.
       [2] show the white feather
       释义:to act in a cowardly way.
       例句:The only time he showed the white feather was just before they attacked the enemy.
       [3] show the white flag
       释义:to surrender and have no desire to continue resistance.
       例句:They failed,so they show the white flag to their enemy.
       Ok, Now let's have a guess,what on earth do the following phrases underlined mean?
       “if you wish me to speak more plainly,show me your palm.""And I must cross your palm with silver,I suppose?"
       Have you seen a ghost? Your face is as white as a sheet.
       Why do you let Jack blackmail you like this? He has bled you white.
       1.Call black white and white black
       2.Indigo blue is extract from the indigo plant, but is bluer than the plant it comes from.
       3.Red clouds in the east, rain the next day

3. 与颜色的英语谚语

         Call black white and white black 颠倒是非
         An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day. 晚霞红如火,晓色青如灰,定是晴朗天。
         Indigo blue is extract from the indigo plant, but is bluer than the plant it comes from. 青出于蓝而胜于蓝
         After black clouds, clear weather. 否极泰来
         After black clouds comes clear weather“雨过天青”,喻情况由坏转好。
         Red clouds in the east, rain the next day。“东有火烧云,次日雨来临”,
         Care brings grey hair. 忧虑催人老。
         A fox may grow grey, but never good狐狸会变,但本性难移
         At night, all cats are grey. 猫在夜晚皆灰色(丑妍暗中难分辨)。
         They that marry in green, their sorrow is soon seen.
         a white lie善意的谎言
         a black sheep害群之马
         black and blue 青一块紫一块(鼻青脸肿)
         red eye 一种便宜的威士忌酒;照片中出现的红眼现象
         red-eyed pink eye 红眼病
         a black eye被打青的眼睛
         white elephant 大而无用的东西
         green hand 新手
         feel blue 感觉忧郁
         in the pink : 非常健康
         yellow journalism 耸人听闻的报道
         yellow dog 忘恩负义之徒
         red flag 让人生气的东西
         black dog 忧郁、不开心的人
         white flag in the black 盈利
         make profit black letter day 倒霉的一天
         black smith 铁匠
         black leg 骗子
         green light : 许可,同意
         red tape : 指手续繁杂,办事拖拉,不讲实际的坏风气
         see red : 发怒,冒火
         in the red : 亏损,负债
         a red letter day : 重大,重要的日子
         a white elephant
         释义:a very costly possession that is worthless to its owner and only a cause of trouble.
         例句:You have bought yourself a white elephant,this house is far too isolated.No one will stay here and the upkeep will ruin you.
         show the white feather
         释义:to act in a cowardly way.
         例句:The only time he showed the white feather was just before they attacked the enemy.
         show the white flag =surrender
         释义:to surrender and have no desire to continue resistance.
         例句:They failed,so they show the white flag to their enemy.
         Ok, Now let's have a guess,what on earth do the following phrases underlined mean?
         “if you wish me to speak more plainly,show me your palm.""And I must cross your palm with silver,I suppose?"
         Have you seen a ghost? Your face is as white as a sheet.
         Why do you let Jack blackmail you like this? He has bled you white.
         西方人当然也喜欢赛马。据说,古时西方赛马为求容易辨认,骑士会骑不同颜色的马。把赌注押在某一名骑士身上的人,当然不希望“另一颜色的马(horse of a different colour / horse of another colour)”取胜。现在,赛马一般不会计较马的颜色了,但horse of a differen tcolour这成语依然广泛流传,只是意思变了,解作“完全另一回事”。
         例如∶I thought you would help. If I am to do it all by myself, that is a horse of another colour.


4. 关于颜色的英语谚语

         关于颜色的英语谚语摘抄         black market:黑市交易或黑市
         blue book:蓝皮书
         blue-collar workers:从事体力劳动的工人
         green meat:鲜肉
         a green hand:新手
         white war:没有硝烟的战争,常指经济竞争。
         white goods:指的是体积大、单价高的家用电器用具,这类物体常刷成白色,故名。
         white money:银币
         white elephant:昂贵却派不上用场的物体或物主不需要但又无法处置之物
         关于颜色的英语谚语精选         white sale:大减价
         grey market:半黑市
         yellow pages:黄页(指分类电话簿,并非指黄书。)
         a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人
         a yellow livered 胆小鬼
         Yellow Pages 黄页
         plain boiled water 白菜
         chinese cabbage 白字
         brown sugar红糖
         black tea红茶
         red wine: 红酒
         red sky: 彩霞
         black money:黑钱
         关于颜色的英语谚语推荐         Call black white and white black颠倒是非
         An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day. 晚霞红如火,晓色青如灰,定是晴朗天。
         Indigo blue is extract from the indigo plant, but is bluer than the plant it comes from.
         After black clouds, clear weather. 否极泰来
         After black clouds comes clear weather“雨过天青”,喻情况由坏转好。
         Red clouds in the east, rain the next day。“东有火烧云,次日雨来临”,
         Care brings grey hair. 忧虑催人老。
         A fox may grow grey, but never good狐狸会变,但本性难移 At night, all cats are grey. 猫在夜晚皆灰色(丑妍暗中难分辨)。 They that marry in green, their sorrow is soon seen.
         a white lie善意的谎言
         a black sheep害群之马
         black and blue 青一块紫一块(鼻青脸肿)
         red eye 一种便宜的威士忌酒;照片中出现的红眼现象 red-eyed pink eye 红眼病
         a black eye被打青的眼睛

5. 英语颜色谚语

[1] a white elephant 

释义:a very costly possession that is worthless to its owner and only a cause of trouble. 

例句:You have bought yourself a white elephant,this house is far too isolated.No one will stay here and the upkeep will ruin you. 


[2] show the white feather 

释义:to act in a cowardly way. 

例句:The only time he showed the white feather was just before they attacked the enemy. 


[3] show the white flag 

释义:to surrender and have no desire to continue resistance. 

例句:They failed,so they show the white flag to their enemy. 


Ok, Now let's have a guess,what on earth do the following phrases underlined mean? 

“if you wish me to speak more plainly,show me your palm.""And I must cross your palm with silver,I suppose?" 

Have you seen a ghost? Your face is as white as a sheet. 

Why do you let Jack blackmail you like this? He has bled you white. 


greenhorn: 指没有工作经验的人,生手 

to be green : 嫉妒 

green light : 许可,同意 

red tape : 指手续繁杂,办事拖拉,不讲实际的坏风气 

see red : 发怒,冒火 

in the red : 亏损,负债 
a red letter day : 重大,重要的日子 
to feel blue : 忧郁,烦闷 
till all is blue : 直到铭酊大醉,到极点 
once in a blue moon : 难得,千载难逢的 
a bolt from the blue : 晴天霹雳 
be white as a sheet : 苍白如纸 
be in a black mood : 阴郁的,情绪低落的 
black and blue : 遍体鳞伤,青一块紫一块 
black and white : 白纸黑字 
in the black : 赢利 
in the pink : 非常健康 
blue monday 倒霉的星期一 white rage 震怒 
white lie 不怀恶意的谎言 white night 不眠之夜 
yellow journalism 耸人听闻的报道 yellow dog 忘恩负义之徒 
red flag 让人生气的东西 black dog 忧郁、不开心的人 
black letter day 倒霉的一天 black smith 铁匠 
black sheep 害群之马,败家子 black leg 骗子 
红白喜事 wedding and funeral 
白费力的事 a bad job 
白送 give away,free of charge 
白做 get small thanks for something 
黑白不分 confound right and wrong 
开门红 to begin well,to make a good start 
红光满面 to be healthy and energetic


6. 关于颜色的英语谚语

【Topic of the Day: White】 
[1] a white elephant 

释义:a very costly possession that is worthless to its owner and only a cause of trouble. 

例句:You have bought yourself a white elephant,this house is far too isolated.No one will stay here and the upkeep will ruin you. 


[2] show the white feather 

释义:to act in a cowardly way. 

例句:The only time he showed the white feather was just before they attacked the enemy. 


[3] show the white flag 

释义:to surrender and have no desire to continue resistance. 

例句:They failed,so they show the white flag to their enemy. 


Ok, Now let's have a guess,what on earth do the following phrases underlined mean? 

“if you wish me to speak more plainly,show me your palm.""And I must cross your palm with silver,I suppose?" 

Have you seen a ghost? Your face is as white as a sheet. 

Why do you let Jack blackmail you like this? He has bled you white. 


greenhorn: 指没有工作经验的人,生手 

to be green : 嫉妒 

green light : 许可,同意 

red tape : 指手续繁杂,办事拖拉,不讲实际的坏风气 

see red : 发怒,冒火 

in the red : 亏损,负债 

a red letter day : 重大,重要的日子 

to feel blue : 忧郁,烦闷 

till all is blue : 直到铭酊大醉,到极点 

once in a blue moon : 难得,千载难逢的 

a bolt from the blue : 晴天霹雳 

be white as a sheet : 苍白如纸 

be in a black mood : 阴郁的,情绪低落的 

black and blue : 遍体鳞伤,青一块紫一块 

black and white : 白纸黑字 

in the black : 赢利 

in the pink : 非常健康 


中 国 人 很 早 就 懂 得 赛 马 。 战 国 时 , 齐 将 田 忌 听 孙 膑 指 点 , 以 下 等 马 赛 齐 王 的 上 等 马 , 再 以 上 等 马 赛 他 的 中 等 马 , 中 等 马 赛 他 的 下 等 马 , 结 果 是 彼 此 用 的 马 匹 虽 然 同 样 分 三 等 , 田 忌 却 轻 而 易 举 以 两 胜 一 负 成 绩 赢 了 千 金 赌 注 (《史 记 . 孙 子 吴 起 列 傅 》)。 

西 方 人 当 然 也 喜 欢 赛 马 。 据 说 , 古 时 西 方 赛 马 为 求 容 易 辨 认 , 骑 士 会 骑 不 同 颜 色 的 马 。 把 赌 注 押 在 某 一 名 骑 士 身 上 的 人 , 当 然 不 希 望 “另 一 颜 色 的 马 (horse of a different colour/horse of another colour)”取 胜 。 现 在 , 赛 马 一 般 不 会 计 较 马 的 颜 色 了 , 但 horse of a different colour 这 成 语 依 然 广 泛 流 传 , 只 是 意 思 变 了 , 解 作 “完 全 另 一 回 事 ”, 例 如 ∶ I thought you would help. If I am to do it all by myself, that is a horse of another colour.(我 本 来 以 为 你 会 帮 忙 ; 假 如 要 我 独 力 去 做 , 那 就 完 全 是 另 一 回 事 了 。 ) 

blue monday 倒霉的星期一 white rage 震怒 
white lie 不怀恶意的谎言 white night 不眠之夜 
yellow journalism 耸人听闻的报道 yellow dog 忘恩负义之徒 
red flag 让人生气的东西 black dog 忧郁、不开心的人 
black letter day 倒霉的一天 black smith 铁匠 
black sheep 害群之马,败家子 black leg 骗子 
红光满面 to be healthy and energetic

7. 有关颜色的英语谚语!


【In black and white】 白纸黑字,书面的;印刷的;简言之  
出自莎士比亚《小题大做 / Much Ado About Nothing》 

【In the black】 盈利 [相对于赤字(in the red)亏损] 

【Like the black hole of Calcutta】 形容拥挤、不通风的环境。 

【to be in someone’s black book(s)】在某人黑名册上;不受某人喜爱,失宠于某人 

【the black sheep of the family】害群之马,败家子 
牧羊人不喜欢黑绵羊,因为它们的毛不如白羊毛值钱,而且又染不成白色。早期的牧羊人还认为黑羊会惊扰羊群里其他的羊只。1598年,Thomas Bastard在写作中指控黑绵羊为野蛮动物。市场行情、迷信加上偏见如此风行,以至于到了18世纪晚期,任何不似其他人一样而行为“出格”的人都被叫做“黑绵羊”。 

【to blackball someone】排斥,拒绝与之来往;投反对票 

【to black list someone】把某人记于黑名单中 
根据John Milton (1651)的记载,最初的黑名单是查理二世登基前在流放途中建立的。他记下了所有涉及他父亲查理一世的审判和处决的人的名字。1660年他重回王位后,把他黑名单上所有人都抓获,处死了13人,其余的都监禁了。后来“黑名单”就用来记录不受欢迎或者需要改造的人的名字。


【white elephant】贵重却无用反而成为负担的财产 
在印度、里兰卡(从前称为锡兰)、泰国、缅甸等国白象(white elephant)被视为神圣不可侵犯的动物,人们从不会让它们劳作。据说要饲养一头“white elephant”花费惊人。所以从前中亚的国王对看不顺眼的大臣就赐给白象,使他为饲养御赐的白象而倾家荡产。源自此一典故“white elephant”一词后来演变而指比其价值或效用所需费用庞大而不成比例者,或虽然不需要但难于处理之物品了。 

The foreign aid to the country was believed to be nothing but a white elephant. 
When he planned to sell his house, his expensive furniture became white elephants. 

由于“white elephant”有上述的意思,因而出现了“a white elephant sale”(白象义卖)。不过这种以慈善为目的的义卖,所卖的不是白象,而是有心人士所捐出的家里不再需要之物品。


【red herring】为转移注意力而提出的不相干事实或论点 
该短语字面意思为红色鲱鱼。从前鲱鱼数量很多,对于美洲和欧洲地区的人来说,它是一种很重要的食物,以至于许多作家都把大西洋称为the herring pond。不过后来由于过度捕捞,这种鱼的数量开始减少。因为鲱鱼很容易变质,人们就想出一个保存的方法,即先撒上盐、之后用烟熏干,这样鲱鱼的颜色就变成深红色,也就是red herring了。 
熏制鲱鱼不仅能够保存并改变鱼的颜色,还可以让其带有一种独特的味道。在训练猎犬搜寻狐狸的时候,人们把这些红色的鲱鱼用线栓住放在森林里来吸引猎犬,让它不要追踪狐狸的气味。另外,人们有时候还把鲱鱼放到真正有狐狸出没的地方来测试猎犬的搜寻能力,看它是否能够抵抗其他的味道,继续寻找狐狸的踪迹。由此,人们开始用red herring来表示为迷惑对手而提出的错误的线索或伪造的事实。Red herring最早出现在1420年左右,不过其比喻义直到1884年才开始使用。
【in the red】负债;赤字 
该短语起源于20世纪20年代的美国。会计学上通常用红墨水记录债务,用黑色记录利润。Therefore it is possible to get out of the red, in which one’s account would be in the black. 

【red-letter day】重要的或值得纪念的日子 

【red tape】官僚主义;官方的繁文缛节,尤指令人难以忍受的复杂形式和过程 
从十七世纪起,官方的文件一般都用红带子捆绑, 因此red tape(红带子)被用于形容人们在和政府或官方机构打交道时往往会遇到的拖延、混乱等令人烦恼的障碍。

黄色—— Yellow 


【Yellow peril】黄祸:西方观念中所谓来自亚洲的危胁 
早先yellow terror和yellow peril指的是yellow fever(黄热病)。后来在20世纪初,yellow peril用来变成了西方文明社会对神秘、未知的东方游牧部落的恐惧, 黄色当然是指亚洲人的肤色。有人说这个词尤指中国的威胁,其实不尽然。游牧民族的侵略,上世纪后期日本的经济增长以及中国的人口增长都曾经是指代对象。


8. 英语中有关颜色的谚语

  我们在日常生活中使用很多  谚语  ,谚语是一个民族固有的精神  文化  遗产,它反映着民族的人生观和世界观。下面我为大家整理了英语中有关颜色的谚语,欢迎大家阅读。
      Call black white and white black
      An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day. 晚霞红如火,晓色青如灰,定是晴朗天。
      Indigo blue is extract from the indigo plant, but is bluer than the plant it comes from.
      After black clouds, clear weather. 否极泰来
      After black clouds comes clear weather“雨过天青”,喻情况由坏转好。
      Red clouds in the east, rain the next day。“东有火烧云,次日雨来临”,
      Care brings grey hair. 忧虑催人老。
      A fox may grow grey, but never good狐狸会变,但本性难移 At night, all cats are grey. 猫在夜晚皆灰色(丑妍暗中难分辨)。 They that marry in green, their sorrow is soon seen.
      a white lie善意的谎言
      a black sheep害群之马
      black and blue 青一块紫一块(鼻青脸肿)
      red eye 一种便宜的威士忌酒;照片中出现的红眼现象 red-eyed pink eye 红眼病
      a black eye被打青的眼睛
      white elephant 大而无用的东西
      green hand 新手
      feel blue 感觉忧郁
      in the pink : 非常健康
      yellow journalism 耸人听闻的报道 yellow dog 忘恩负义之徒 red flag 让人生气的东西 black dog 忧郁、不开心的人 white flag in the black 盈利 make profit
      black letter day 倒霉的一天 black smith 铁匠
      black leg 骗子green light : 许可,同意
      red tape : 指手续繁杂,办事拖拉,不讲实际的坏风气
      see red : 发怒,冒火
      in the red : 亏损,负债
      a red letter day : 重大,重要的日子
      [1] a white elephant
      释义:a very costly possession that is worthless to its owner and only a cause of trouble.
      例句:You have bought yourself a white elephant,this house is far too isolated.No one will stay here and the upkeep will ruin you.
      [2] show the white feather
      释义:to act in a cowardly way.
      例句:The only time he showed the white feather was just before they attacked the enemy.
      [3] show the white flag =surrender
      释义:to surrender and have no desire to continue resistance.
      例句:They failed,so they show the white flag to their enemy.
      Ok, Now let's have a guess,what on earth do the following phrases underlined mean?
      “if you wish me to speak more plainly,show me your palm.""And I must cross your palm with silver,I suppose?"
      Have you seen a ghost? Your face is as white as a sheet.
      Why do you let Jack blackmail you like this? He has bled you white.
      greenhorn: 指没有工作  经验  的人,生手
      to be green : 嫉妒
      green light : 许可,同意
      red tape : 指手续繁杂,办事拖拉,不讲实际的坏风气 see red : 发怒,冒火
      in the red : 亏损,负债
      a red letter day : 重大,重要的日子
      to feel blue : 忧郁,烦闷
      till all is blue : 直到铭酊大醉,到极点
      once in a blue moon : 难得,千载难逢的
      a bolt from the blue : 晴天霹雳
      be white as a sheet : 苍白如纸
      be in a black mood : 阴郁的,情绪低落的
      black and blue : 遍体鳞伤,青一块紫一块
      black and white : 白纸黑字
      in the black : 赢利
      in the pink : 非常健康
    英语中有关颜色的谚语相关  文章  :
    1. 有关服装的英语谚语 
    2. 关于励志的英文谚语 
    3. 关于颜色的英文谚语大全 
    4. 关于朋友的英语名言谚语大全 
    5. 关于人生哲理的英语谚语大全