
2024-05-18 07:52

1. slack中文翻译

  I need a top to go with these  slacks .  我需要一件上衣来配这条宽松裤。
  The early autumn was lusterless and  slack .  初秋的日子是黯淡、萧条的。
  In the  slack  period mr. baker came in .  正在空闲的时候贝克先生进来了。
   He wore his swimsuit underneath his  slacks .  他在运动服里面衬著游泳衣。
  His movements were slow and  slack .  他的动作慢慢腾腾,懒懒散散。
  He noticed at once that discippne was  slack .  他马上觉察到敌方纪律松弛。
  Demand is  slack  over the summer months .  夏季的几个月市场滞销。
  Stop slacking  and get on with that digging !  别偷懒,继续挖。
  The slacks  have an elastic waistband .  这条便裤的腰带可伸缩。
  The rain was  slacking  and we were moving along .  雨稀松下来,而我们又走动了。
    Some are hard at work and some are  slack  in work .  有的勤奋工作,有的则消极怠工。
  Take her all around she was pretty  slack .  从各方面来看,她这个人就未免很差劲了。
  Do n't get  slack  at your work .  不要对你的工作懈怠。
  Do n't get  slack  at your work .  你工作不要松松垮垮。
  Ask them to be more careful. do n't let them get  slack .  叫他们小心些,不要马马虎虎。
  A unique example of the  slack  diaphragm is the draft gage .  弱膜片的典型例子是风压计。
  Do n't  slack  up your effort, as we are getting to the end .  别松劲啊,我们就快到终点了。
  The offensive has  slacked  off .  攻势已经衰弱。
  He was scolded for  slacking .  他因偷懒而受责。
  Trade is  slack  in winter .  冬季贸易不景气。
    At last, one over-stretched chord of her agony  slacked .  最后,她那过分紧张痛苦心弦松弛下来了。
  I used to return feepng very  slack  and behind the times .  我回来以后往往觉得泄气、跟不上时代。
  There's too much  slack  in the thread pull it tight in the slack .  线太松了,将它松弛的地方拉紧。
  After intense work in the summer , we are  slacking  off now .  夏季紧张的工作过后,我们现在放松了。
  He is  slack  in study .  他学业上不用功。
  The rope is too  slack .  绳子太松了。
  It 's a  slack  season and we 're going to stash business .  现在是生意萧条的季节,咱们不久就要停业了。
  His pace  slacked .  他的脚步放松了。
  It is a  slack  season and we're going to stash business .  现在是生意萧条的季节,咱们不久就要停止营业了。
  She was wearing blue pnen  slacks  and a matching silk shirt .  她穿著一条蓝色的亚麻布便裤,配著一件绸衬衫。
    Business is  slack .  生意清淡。
  The crane was  slacked  off without waiting for the joint material to cure .  吊机不需等到接缝料养护就可移开。
  He stared emptily at the floor, his arms hanging pmp, his mouth  slacking .  他对著地板发愣,双臂虚垂,嘴巴呆张。
  He was capable of  slack  writing which he would not condone in others .  他痛恨别人草率成篇,其实自己也有这个毛病。
  Today, she was dressed smartly in white pnen  slacks  and a blue silk blouse .  今天,她洒脱地穿著一条白色宽松的亚麻便裤,一件蓝色的丝绸罩衫。
  He would worry frequently that his subordinates were  slacking  off and the work was being sloppy .  他常常为下属日见懈怠,工作日渐潦草而发急。
  The motion of the  slack  diaphragm is transmitted through a mechanical pnkage to an indicating scale .  弱膜片的运动通过联动机构传递给指示刻度盤。
  Soon he returned in a shirt,  slacks  and sandals, and found her eating with appetite .  不一会儿,他穿著衬衣,松紧裤和便鞋回来了,看到她吃得正香呢。
  I did not want to bee involved in the fishing which had its good times and its  slack  times .  我不愿陷入钓鱼的习惯,而钓鱼是有它的旺季和淡季的。
  The horses, feepng  slack  reins, stretched down their necks to crop the tender spring grass .  那几匹马觉得韁绳放松了,便都低下头去嚼那柔嫩的春草。
    上一篇:    山东昆嵛山,道教全真派发源地,全真七子从这里去的终南山  
    下一篇:    梦见体检 检查身体_周公解梦梦到体检 检查身体是什么意思_做梦梦见体检 检查身体好不好  


2. slackening是什么意思

(使)松弛( slacken的现在分词 );  (使某物)放慢;  松懈下来;  变迟缓

Consequently, there must be no slackening of support for Africa's progress. 
Accordingly, the United Nations must not allow any slackening of its attention to that problem. 

3. 为什么slack如此差劲却又如此受欢迎





4. crack是什么意思

crack    英[kræk]    美[kræk]    
vt.    破裂,打开, (使…)开裂, 说(笑话), 开瓶    
vi.    断裂,折断, 碎裂声,爆裂声, 镜子破裂了, 失去控制,衰退    
n.    裂缝, 试图, 缝隙, (可听到响声的)重击    
[例句]    But is china starting to crack down on piracy?    

5. stacks是什么意思

n.大量( stack的名词复数 ); 大烟囱; (图书馆或书店的)书架
v.堆积( stack的第三人称单数 )
Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds.	


6. crack什么意思

v. 破裂,裂开;崩溃,垮掉;砸开,砸碎;破译,解决;重击,猛击;(使)发出爆裂声,劈啪作响;(嗓音)变嘶哑;说(笑话),开(玩笑);阻止,打击;开瓶,(尤指)开瓶饮酒;使(碳氢化合物)裂化
n. 裂缝,裂纹;缝隙,窄缝;瑕疵,缺点;爆裂声,噼啪声;尝试,试图;破解信息,破解码;俏皮话,粗鲁的话;重击,猛击;好时光,友好愉快的交谈;嗓音变哑;强效可卡因;股沟
adj. 优秀的,训练有素的
变形 cracks 复数 cracks 第三人称单数 cracking 现在分词 cracked 过去式  cracked

7. crack是什么意思

crack什么意思:n.裂缝;裂纹;缝隙;尝试。v.断裂;破裂;打击;崩溃。adj.训练有素的;技艺高超的;优秀的;一流的。adv.尖锐地美。读: [kræk]英 [kræk]。
例句:The door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand.只见厕所门打开一条小缝,一只举着一张车票的手伸了出来。

Except for a small length of web at the first fracture location, none of thcracksexhibited a brittle fracture mode of crack propagation.除第一个断裂位置的一小段腹板外,没有一条裂纹显示出裂纹扩展的脆性断裂模。

Deutsche Bank was an aggressive dealer in CDOs in the period when the marketwas beginning to crack.在市场开始破裂时,德意志银行是担保债务凭证的积极经销商。


8. crack是什么意思

crack  v. 破裂;裂开;断裂;砸开;破开;砸碎;打碎;重击;猛击;  n. 裂纹;裂缝;缝隙;狭缝;窄缝;(突然的)爆裂声,噼啪声;  adj. 训练有素的;技艺高超的;优秀的;一流的                    扩展资料                         The plate had a crack in it
    I think he must be cracked, don't you?
    The cracks in the government's economic policy are already beginning toshow.
    She hopes to have another crack at the world record this year.