
2024-05-10 11:53

1. 奖学金申请常见误区

      Between rising tuition fees and the never-ending stream of financial horror  stories about student debt and graduate struggles, the idea of college can be  nerve-racking. Many students are reliant on financial assistance to survive  college, but student loans often bring a heavy financial burden. This is where  scholarships can help.
      Scholarships are fairly abundant, but it is up to students to find the  scholarship opportunities that are right for them. But many students don’t even  try. The results of a survey conducted by FluidReview show that more than half  (56%) of surveyed undergraduates had not applied for a scholarship that  year.
      This sparks the question: Why are students not applying for  scholarships?
      After reviewing the data, it can be concluded that many students have  misguided views when it comes to seeking scholarships. Some of the most common  misconceptions are explored below.
       1. “I am not qualified for a scholarship” 
      Students often believe they are not qualified to receive assistance,  causing them to miss out on potential scholarship opportunities. The truth is,  there are many scholarships available, and not all scholarships are merit-based  or dependent on top-notch grades. However, universities do not always make  scholarship opportunities easy to find, so students are often unaware of awards  which they may be perfectly qualified to receive.
      As technology has advanced, universities and organizations are utilizing  software and tools designed for scholarship management to make it easier for  students to find scholarship opportunities. This should progressively make the  entire process much easier for everyone.
       2. “The application process takes too long” 
      While the belief that the scholarship application process takes a long time  is not entirely false, it is important for students to be shown the big picture.  The survey reports that 84% of scholarship applications are completed within  three hours; if an applicant were to win a US$500 scholarship for a day’s worth  of work, they would have made $62.50/hour. So yes, the process can be  time-consuming, but the time spent applying can certainly pay off.
      Investing a few hours per day into scholarship applications can set a  student up with enormous opportunities in the future. Thanks to new  technologies, scholarship applications are becoming more unified, increasingly  allowing students to apply for multiple scholarships at the same time.
       3. “Scholarships are hard to find” 
      The survey results indicate that 45% of students have problems finding a  scholarship they are eligible for, reporting the process as “difficult” or “very  difficult”. This is understandable, since there are simply so many different  scholarship opportunities, but often it’s hard to sort through to find the  relevant ones. Additionally, the survey shows that 75% of students are using  scholarship information provided by their own university. This is good in one  sense, but comes with a concern that universities may not be passing on  information about the rising number of private scholarships on offer.
      Students must therefore take it upon themselves to search beyond their  university for external scholarships. One good way of keeping up is to subscribe  to scholarship-based social media accounts and keep an eye out for daily  updates. The options are out there, but it is up to everyone involved to work  together to find them.


2. 奖学金申请常见误区

              1. “我没有申请奖学金的资格” 
       2. “申请过程耗时太长” 
       3. “申请奖学金很难” 

3. 奖学金申请问题

项目受理部门申请和递送奖学金申请材料,详见下表:  奖学金项目名称 申请时间  项目受理部门 申请类别  奖学金内容 国别双边项目 一般为1月初至4月初(具体申请时 间以各受理部门规定的时间为准)    本国留学生派遣部门 本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生、普通进修生、高级进修生 全额奖学金 或部分奖学金 中国高校自主招生项目 部分中国高校 硕士研究生和博士研究生 全额奖学金 长城奖学金项目 所在国联合国教科文全国 委员会  普通进修生和高级进修生  全额奖学金  中国-欧盟学生交流项 目 中国驻欧盟使团教育文化处 研究生、本科生和进修生 全额奖学金 中国-AUN项目 AUN秘书处 硕士研究生和博士研究生 全额奖学金 太平洋岛国论坛项目  太平洋岛国论坛秘书处  本科生、研究生和进修生 全额奖学金  世界气象组织项目  世界气象组织秘书处  本科生和研究生,专业限定为气 象学、水文学及水资源监控与管理  部分奖学金


4. 奖学金申请的问题
